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Lecture 20 Analyzing Sequential Logic
Overview Finite State Machine Model State Tables State Diagrams Moore and Mealy Models Circuit and System Level Timing
Finite State Machine Model General Model Current State at time (t) is stored in an array of flip-flops. Next State at time (t+1) is a Boolean function of State and Inputs. Outputs at time (t) are a Boolean function of State (t) and (sometimes) Inputs (t). Combina-tional Logic Inputs State Next State Outputs Storage Elements CLK
Example 1 (from Fig. 6-17) Input: x(t) Output: y(t) State: (A(t), B(t)) What is the Output Function? What is the Next State Function? A C D Q Q C D Q Q y x A B CP
Example 1 (continued) Where in time are inputs, outputs and states defined? 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
Example 1: State Table The state table can be filled in using the next state and output equations: Present State Input Next State Output A(t) B(t) x(t) A(t+1) B(t+1) y(t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Example 1: Alternate State Table 2-dimensional table that matches well to a K-map. Present state rows and input columns in Gray code order. A(t+1) = A(t)x(t) + B(t)x(t) B(t+1) =A (t)x(t) y(t) =x (t)(B(t) + A(t)) Present State Next State x(t)=0 x(t)=1 Output x(t)=0 x(t)=1 A(t) B(t) A(t+1)B(t+1) A(t+1)B(t+1) y(t) y(t) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
State Diagrams Graphical specification Nodes states Edges transitions Depend on inputs Outputs Based on state Based on state and input A B 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 x=0/y=1 x=1/y=0 x=1/y=0 x=1/y=0 x=0/y=1 x=0/y=1 x=1/y=0 x=0/y=0
Type: Mealy
Moore and Mealy Models Finite State Machines (FSMs) have two formal models: In contemporary design, models are sometimes mixed Moore and Mealy Moore Model Named after E.F. Moore. Outputs are a function ONLY of states Usually specified on the states. Mealy Model Named after G. Mealy Outputs are a function of inputs AND states Usually specified on the state transition arcs.
Moore and Mealy Example Diagrams Mealy Model State Diagram maps inputs and state to outputs Moore Model State Diagram maps states to outputs 0 1 x=1/y=1 x=1/y=0 x=0/y=0 x=0/y=0 1/0 2/1 x=1 x=1 x=0 x=0 x=1 x=0 0/0
Moore and Mealy Example Tables Mealy Model state table maps inputs and state to outputs Moore Model state table maps state to outputs Present State Next State x=0 x=1 Output 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 Present State Next State x=0 x=1 Output x=0 x=1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
Sequential Circuit Analysis Example Logic Diagram: Clock Reset D Q C Q R D Q C Q R D Q C Q R A B C Z
Example 2: Flip-Flop Input Equations Variables Inputs: None Outputs: Z State Variables: A, B, C Initialization: Reset to (0,0,0) Equations:
A(t+1) = BC B(t+1) = B C + BC C(t+1) = A C Z = A
Example 2: State Table X = X(t+1)
A B C : 0 0 1, 0 1 0, 0 1 1, 1 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 1 0, 1 0 0 Z: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Which states are used? What is the function of the circuit? 000 011 010 001 100 101 110 111 Reset ABC Example 2: State Diagram
Only states reachable from the reset state 000 are used: 000, 001, 010, 011, and 100. The circuit produces a 1 on Z after four clock periods and every five clock periods thereafter: 000 -> 001 -> 010 -> 011 -> 100 -> 000 -> 001 -> 010 -> 011 -> 100 … 1 1
Consider a system comprised of ranks of flip-flops connected by logic: If the clock period is too short, some data changes will not propagate through the circuit to flip-flop inputs before the setup time interval begins Circuit and System Level Timing C D Q Q' C D Q Q' C D Q Q' C D Q Q' C D Q Q' C D Q Q' C D Q Q' C D Q Q' C D Q Q' C D Q Q' CLOCK CLOCK
Timing components along a path from flip-flop to flip-flop Circuit and System Level Timing (continued) (a) Edge-triggered (positive edge) t p t pd,FF t pd,COMB t slack t s C (b) Pulse-triggered (negative pulse) t p t pd,FF t pd,COMB t slack t s C
New Timing Components tp - clock period - The interval between occurrences of a specific clock edge in a periodic clock tpd,COMB - total delay of combinational logic along the path from flip-flop output to flip-flop input tslack - extra time in the clock period in addition to the sum of the delays and setup time on a path Can be either positive or negative Must be greater than or equal to zero on all paths for correct operation Circuit and System Level Timing (continued)
Timing Equations tp = tslack + (tpd,FF + tpd,COMB + ts) For tslack greater than or equal to zero, tp ≥ max (tpd,FF + tpd,COMB + ts) for all paths from flip-flop output to flip-flop input Can be calculated more precisely by using tPHL and tPLH values instead of tpd values, but requires consideration of inversions on paths Circuit and System Level Timing (continued)
Calculation of Allowable tpd,COMB Compare the allowable combinational delay for a specific circuit: a) Using edge-triggered flip-flops b) Using master-slave flip-flops Parameters tpd,FF(max) = 1.0 ns ts(max) = 0.3 ns for edge-triggered flip-flops ts = twH = 1.0 ns for master-slave flip-flops Clock frequency = 250 MHz
Calculation of Allowable tpd,COMB (continued) Calculations: tp = 1/clock frequency = 4.0 ns Edge-triggered: 4.0 ≥ 1.0 + tpd,COMB + 0.3 → tpd,COMB ≤ 2.7 ns Master-slave: 4.0 ≥ 1.0 + tpd,COMB + 1.0 → tpd,COMB ≤ 2.0 ns Comparison: Assume average gate tpd = 0.3 ns Edge-triggered: Approximately 9 gates allowed on a path Master-slave: Approximately 6 to 7 gates allowed on a path
Summary Finite State Machine Model State Tables State Diagrams Moore and Mealy Models Circuit and System Level Timing
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